


发布时间:2022/09/14 09:51


2020年初,新冠肺炎疫情的爆发,导致国际石油需求骤降,国际石油市场价格战激烈。 WTI 5月原油期货合约价格历史上首次跌至负值。这场石油价格战与历史上发生的事情不同。国际石油供应秩序和石油需求结构都发生了新变化。油价的快速下跌对中国整体经济及相关行业产生了较大的短期影响,但也为我国提高能源战略安全、优化能源结构提供了机遇。从投资者的角度来看,如何以最小的风险把握油价波动带来的投资机会,取决于对油价走势的判断,以及如何通过合适的投资工具进行交易。


LOL赛事竞猜首先,国际石油供应体系的演变。 1960年12月,为维护产油国利益,削弱国际主要石油公司对油价的控制,石油输出国组织(OPEC)成立,其主要成员包括沙特阿拉伯、伊拉克、伊朗、科威特、委内瑞拉等国家。此后,石油输出国组织成为控制国际油价的重要组织,同时也开始与国际主要石油公司争夺石油生产权和销售权。

石油输出国组织成立后,直到1970年代的两次石油危机,石油大国几乎被石油输出国组织垄断。欧佩克对石油出口的垄断导致了两次“石油危机”。第一次石油危机发生在 1973 年,当时国际油价从 1973 年的每桶 3.05 美元上涨到 1974 年的 10.73 美元。第二次石油危机发生在 1978 年底,当时伊朗停止了出口石油60天,造成石油市场每天短缺500万桶石油,约占世界总消费量的1/10,导致油价波动,供应紧张。美国油价从 1978 年的每桶 12.7 美元飙升至 1981 年的 32.51 美元。石油危机促使西方改变经济战略,调整经济结构,被迫提速勘探开发新油田,以减轻石油危机的影响。另一方面,两次石油危机也给欧佩克自身造成了巨大损失:一是减产和禁运令其石油出口量和市场份额大幅缩水;二是油价上涨造成欧佩克内部分裂,多数成员主张跟随市场行情。提高油价,而沙特则主张压低油价,甚至单独大幅增产压价,导致欧佩克失去控制市场的能力。

1960年代,北海发现大规模油气资源,1970年代油价上涨,为海上石油勘探创造了重要的战略发展机遇。英国、挪威等国也以此为契机,成为欧洲乃至世界重要的油气资源。产油国。 1980年代以后,随着石油输出国组织团结的解体和新兴产油国的出现,石油大国开始分散。随着各国积极开发油气资源,非欧佩克石油产量在1982年超过欧佩克国家。油价持续走低,欧佩克国家势力逐渐衰落,石油势力回归美国、欧洲等国家和日本。 2008年以来,高油价推动高成本的美国页岩油进入高速发展阶段。 2019年,美国从长期的石油净进口国转变为石油净出口国。 1990年代以后,随着俄罗斯石油产量逐年增加,世界石油逐渐形成沙特主导的欧佩克、俄罗斯、美国三管齐下的局面,石油供应形成多元化格局。

LOL赛事竞猜二是新冠肺炎疫情导致国际石油需求短期快速下滑。需求方面,今年以来,受疫情影响,全球航空、交通运输业相继受到冲击,导致世界石油需求从2019年12月的1亿桶/日降至9200万桶/日2020 年 3 月每天的桶数。天空。由于中国疫情较早爆发,1月以来石油需求开始同比下降; 2、3月开始,其他国家的疫情也陆续爆发。 4月份,美国和欧洲国家疫情达到顶峰,许多行业开始停产停产。受此影响,全球石油需求已降至今年年初以来的最低点。后续,随着各国产业逐步复苏,石油需求也有所增加。但与2019年全年相比,世界石油需求可能会有所下降。

运输和航空业的限制是石油需求下降的重要原因之一。今年年初,客运量和空中交通量与2019年基本持平,部分国家略高于2019年。但1月底以来,受疫情影响,我国客运量交通和空中交通急剧下降。随着2月下旬春运回归,3月逐步复工复产,我国客运和航空运输量逐步增加。 3月以来,由于疫情在全球其他国家蔓延,全球客运量和空中交通量大幅下降。到第一季度末,这两个指标都下降到仅占 2019 年的 50% 左右。


LOL赛事竞猜三是WTI 5月合约跌至负值,油价战接连推向高潮。 4 月 20 日,原定于 4 月 21 日到期的西德克萨斯中质原油 (WTI) 原油期货 (WTI) 价格暴跌至每桶 38 美元,远低于 1983 年 3 月 31 日创下的近月合约低点.@0.42 美元/桶。虽然这与交易员避免强制平仓的愿望有关,并且是金融操纵的结果,但全球市场油价下跌也反映了全球石油需求下滑和库存压力上升。



另外,从石油价格战的历史对比来分析。历史上发生过三场石油价格战,第一次是从1985年开始。美国通过向中东国家施压增产,使国际油价保持在低位。国际油价从 1985 年的 27.01 美元下降到 1986 年的 13.53 美元,此后几年一直处于较低水平。

第二次石油价格战发生在1997年。1990年,委内瑞拉的石油产量也从1990年的224万桶/天飙升至1997年的332万桶/天。这种过剩的产量引起了欧佩克其他国家的不满。 1997年12月,沙特加入欧佩克其他国家增产,油价从18.68美元跌至12.28美元,为近二十年来的最低点。与石油产量增加相伴的是金融危机,石油需求端也受到了较大冲击。

第三次油价战发生在2014年。2008年以来,美国页岩油进入高速发展期。 2014年,美国超越沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯成为世界第一大产油国。随着美国页岩油产量的不断增加,欧佩克国家的石油市场份额逐渐减少中国石油发行价格,国际石油市场地位逐渐下降。与此同时,沙特也未能说服包括俄罗斯在内的非欧佩克国家加入减产计划。沙特阿拉伯决定增产,国际油价从$96.$29暴跌至$40.$76。针对美国页岩油生产商的价格战已导致数十家美国石油和天然气公司申请破产。



新冠肺炎疫情将导致2020年世界经济衰退,2021年世界经济或将复苏。但预计今明两年全球石油需求总体疲软,疫情的蔓延将对世界经济产生持续而深远的影响。欧盟委员会在5月发布的春季经济展望中预测,2020年欧元区GDP增速为-7%,2020年英国经济萎缩8.3%。 国际权威机构也给出了2020年世界经济的预测:国际货币基金组织4月发布的《全球经济展望》预测,2020年全球经济增长率为-3%,比2008年次贷危机期间的情况还要糟糕。到2009年。。全球经济增长急剧放缓和商业活动减少将继续抑制石油需求,短期内需求恢复到去年水平的可能性很小。根据欧佩克4月发布的月度石油市场报告数据,预计2020年全球石油需求将减少690万桶/日,鉴于当前形势的不确定性,需求出现较大下滑的可能性也很高。



随着疫情的结束,石油需求或将逐步恢复至接近疫情前水平,主要产油国欧佩克、俄罗斯和美国或将达成产量协议,世界石油供需关系将出现新的均衡状态,油价也将有望升至每桶 40 美元以上,这是大多数生产商的盈亏平衡线。但在新的石油供需体系下,油价出现规律性波动的概率较高,单边大幅上涨并长期维持在60美元/桶以上的概率较小。








PPI连续数月处于负区间,而油价短期内有望继续低位运行,引发市场对通缩可能性的担忧。但一季度CPI同比上涨4.9%,收紧趋势不明显。食品价格上涨是推动CPI上涨的主要因素。受国际油价波动影响,一季度能源价格下跌。汽油和柴油价格均下降3.6%,降幅比去年同期高1.6个百分点。居民用煤和液化石油气价格由去年同期由升转降,分别下降0.9%和0.6%。一季度,扣除食品和能源价格的核心CPI上涨1.3%,同比下降0.6个百分点中国石油发行价格,降幅0.1 个百分点,较去年四季度继续保持在较低水平。 PPI持续跌入负区间,表明工业板块已经感受到通缩压力。一季度CPI涨幅较大,油价对消费者价格(CPI)的影响对工业品价格(PPI)影响不大。二季度后,消费品板块或将分阶段出现通缩压力。国家针对疫情采取了有效政策,其积极影响将有效对冲低油价带来的通缩效应。





从走势来看,1月份化工中间产品价格相对平稳; 2月份,受疫情影响停产,价格波动短期停滞; 3月份,随着石油价格战的爆发,它们迅速下跌。随着复工复产的逐步推进,4月以来中间产品价格快速回升,部分产品价格甚至恢复到2月初的水平。

对于石化产业链的相关企业来说,3月份油价的快速下跌对企业利润造成了巨大影响。根据A股上市石化公司公布的一季度财务数据,由于年初高价石油库存大幅贬值,炼油企业受油价影响最大。 2020年一季度营收同比下降23.18%,净利润同比大幅下降211.51%;化纤企业虽然服装等消费品需求受疫情影响,但受益于上游中间产品价格调整、海外口罩生产等特殊需求旺盛,2020年一季度营收同比增长1 2.同比27%,净利润同比增长62.33%。




成品油价格下调首先会对交通运输行业产生积极影响。作为交通运输行业成本的重要组成部分,成品油价格的下调有利于降低运输企业的运营成本,为运输企业应对疫情影响提供缓冲空间。分行业来看,客运行业受疫情隔离影响较大,需求侧收缩幅度和速度相对较快。最典型的例子是民航业。由于需求锐减,成品油消费量同比也有明显下降,因此油价下跌对公司的影响并不显着。疫情过后,货运业迅速复苏。交通运输部提供的数据显示,2020年3月的货运量已经恢复到去年同期的90%左右。考虑到约 80% 的货运业是通过公路完成的,较低的成品油价格将对整个货运业产生积极影响。预计一季度油价下调仅对公路货运行业就可降低成本超过120亿元。



成品油价格下跌也将刺激居民汽车消费需求。虽然新能源汽车已成为未来汽车行业的发展趋势,但油价下跌将降低消费者的购车成本,无论是对首次购车还是对大型汽车的更新换代都将起到积极作用。根据汽车工业协会公布的数据,今年4月,汽车产销分别完成21辆0.2万辆和207万辆,环比增加4辆6. 6% 和 43.5%。同比分别增长2.3%和4.4%,月度增速为今年以来的首次增长,其中销售额连续21个月下滑,使汽车行业成为疫情得到控制后率先率先复苏的行业之一。一方面,汽车消费回暖可以减少库存,盘活4S店等销售渠道资源,维修等后续服务将逐步恢复; 、橡胶等相关行业复工复产。








二是完善和完善长期战略石油储备机制。 1993年以前,我国石油自给自足,但1993年以后,我国开始成为石油净进口国,随着经济的快速发展,石油进口量急剧上升,成为影响我国经济发展的重要因素我国已经意识到战略石油储备的重要性,并逐渐将其提上国家议事日程。

2009 年,我国宣布建立相当于 100 天石油净进口量的石油储备储备。 2017年4月,中国国家石油储备建设取得重要进展。到2016年年中,我国已建成9个国家石油储备基地,利用上述储备和部分社会企业储存石油3325万吨,约占我国2015年石油净进口量的1/10。

随着中国经济的快速增长和人民生活水平的不断提高,汽车等消费品逐渐普及,因此中国每年对石油的需求量也在快速增长。 2019年中国石油发行价格,我国石油净进口首次突破5亿吨大关,成品油净出口首次突破5000万吨,石油对外依存度均超过70%。目前的战略石油储备规模已经不能满足国家战略安全的需要。短期内,应利用有利的油价形势,扩大战略储备规模。同时,要研究战略石油储备的长效机制,使石油储备与国家战略发展阶段有效对接。保障国家能源安全。


四是深化能源结构优化改革,减少能源进口依赖。 With the continuous improvement of the living standards of Chinese residents, the consumer demand for passenger cars will also gradually increase. In the future, my country's demand for oil will definitely increase significantly, and the overseas dependence on oil imports will also increase accordingly. In order to ensure the country's energy security, it is necessary to optimize the energy consumption structure in advance, take precautionary measures, and prevent problems before they occur.


Through the strict implementation of the National VI Standard and the control of carbon emission indicators of production enterprises, guide vehicle manufacturers to increase their enthusiasm for the development and production of new energy vehicles, and at the same time encourage consumers to choose new energy vehicles through license issuance and sales subsidies. While eliminating old models, the promotion and sales of new energy vehicles will be strengthened, the structure of existing vehicles will be gradually optimized, and the consumption of gasoline and diesel will be reduced.

For a period of time in the future, it is necessary to reduce energy consumption at the power generation level, reduce the proportion of high-energy thermal power generation through market-oriented reform of the power system, and vigorously develop clean power generation modes such as hydropower and wind power. Make full use of the efficiency advantages of the market for resource allocation, coordinate and cooperate on the consumption side and the factor side, optimize the overall energy consumption structure, and maintain national energy security. In response to the charging demand of new energy vehicles, consumers can be guided by low price guidance and other methods to guide consumers' charging demand to the non-peak hours of electricity consumption in the early morning, and then arrange low-cost, environment-friendly energy such as water and electricity to meet consumer demand through appropriate scheduling.

It is recommended to give priority to preventing risks in oil investment

The first is to participate cautiously in crude oil futures trading. Crude oil futures are standardized contracts with the forward oil price as the target. Shanghai International Energy Exchange, a subsidiary of Shanghai Futures Exchange, is the only formal platform for trading crude oil futures in my country. The delivery unit of a standard crude oil futures contract is 1,000 barrels, and the delivery quantity must be an integral multiple of the delivery unit. The last trading day of the contract is the last trading day of the first month before the delivery month.

The account opening threshold for crude oil futures individual investors is RMB 500,000 or its equivalent in foreign currencies, and the account opening threshold for institutional investors is RMB 1 million or its equivalent in foreign currencies. The minimum transaction margin is 5% of the contract value. The transaction margin refers to the funds deposited by the member into the special settlement account of the Energy Center to ensure the performance of the contract. Due to the existence of the margin system, the essence of futures trading is leveraged trading, and investors can trade several times the amount of the margin after paying the margin. This system makes futures trading have the characteristics of high yield and high risk. The lower the margin ratio, the greater the leverage effect, and the more obvious the characteristics of high yield and high risk. When the investor's account funds are lower than the minimum margin amount, the margin needs to be replenished in time. In order to control the trading risks of the exchange, member units and customers, crude oil futures have set a price limit system. The price limit means that the trading price of the contract in a trading day shall not be higher or lower than the specified range, and the price exceeds the price limit. The quotation of the range will be regarded as invalid and cannot be traded.

The crude oil futures contract is suitable as a financial tool for crude oil investment due to the standard trading and the high synchronization between the futures contract price on the Shanghai Futures Exchange and the international crude oil futures price. However, in view of the leveraged trading nature of crude oil futures and the current trend of large two-way fluctuations in crude oil prices, for investors, even if investors have firm confidence and judgment on the rebound of oil prices, it is recommended that participating investors implement T+0 trading , Real-time tracking of the market, the position must be closed on the day to control the risk.

The second is to avoid participating in QDII oil fund investment. Due to the high investment threshold of domestic crude oil futures, the QDII oil fund is also a better tool to invest in oil. At present, there are only 8 domestic oil QDII funds. Among them, Huabao S&P Oil & Gas, Huaan S&P Global Oil, and GF Dow Jones American Oil are stock funds, which mainly invest in the stocks of oil companies; Southern Crude Oil, E Fund Crude Oil, Harvest Crude Oil, The 5 Lions Oil & Gas Energy and Cathay Pacific Commodities are FOF funds, mainly investing in foreign crude oil futures funds. Among the three stock funds, Huabao Oil & Gas and GF Petroleum are mainly targeting upstream companies in the oil industry chain, and rising oil prices are good for upstream companies; Huaan Oil targeting the entire industry chain, so the fund is relatively volatile. Small. Since the 5 FOF funds mainly invest in crude oil futures funds, these funds have a relatively high correlation with oil prices. Among them, Harvest Crude Oil and Lion Oil are actively managed funds, which may obtain excess funds based on performance benchmarks. Returns, but may also underperform the benchmark index. Actively managed funds mainly rely on the investment and research capabilities of fund managers and teams.

Compared with crude oil futures contracts, QDII funds have a lower threshold, and some funds have a higher correlation with international oil prices. However, after all, public funds are actively managed fund products. Different managers have certain individuals due to their different abilities. Risks require careful participation after in-depth research on the investment and research capabilities of the issuer and the historical performance of the fund before investing. At present, due to the transaction mechanism of some funds, the transaction price has been significantly higher than its net asset value. For such high-premium fund products, which are products with high market popularity and high risks, investors are advised to remain rational and avoid participation as much as possible.

The third is to differentiate investment in oil-related companies' stocks (A shares). Since the prices of upstream products in the oil industry chain such as fuel oil and kerosene are highly correlated with oil, and the current oil price is still in a stage of low fluctuations, the prices of upstream products may not increase significantly in the short term, so investment is not recommended. Upstream industry-related companies. However, the prices of mid- and downstream products have gradually rebounded since the resumption of work and production in April, such as styrene, plastic, PVC, styrene and other chemical products. The continued low price of oil also reduces the cost of mid- and downstream products in the oil industry chain, thereby increasing the profits of companies producing mid- and downstream products. Therefore, the stocks of related companies may rise to a certain extent. (The authors are Lian Ping, Chief Economist and Dean of the Research Institute of Zhixin Investment, Zhang Bingwen, Senior Researcher of Zhixin Investment Research Institute, and Lu Yiqiao, Researcher of Zhixin Investment Research Institute)

